Methyl Paraben or Methylparaben or Methyl Hydroxybenzoate or Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate USP NF BP Ph Eur FCC Food Grade Manufacturers Exporters
Aadhunik Industries is a manufacturing group company. Aadhunik Industries is pioneer manufacturers of Methyl Paraben or Methylparaben or Methyl Hydroxybenzoate or Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate, Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Excipients, Food Fragrance & Flavor chemicals in India. It has toll manufacturers and representatives in UAE, Europe, Canada & USA and agents & customers in all countries like USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, France, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Russia etc. Aadhunik Industries and/or associated units are FDA-GMP certified, Halal and/or Kosher certified, REACH registered, ISO-9001, ISO-22000 HACCP certified. We offer crystals granules in precise micron or mesh size as per buyers needs. We offer very high purity standards as per specifications required.
SDS MSDS of Methylparaben or Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate Manufacturers
Specifications of Methylparaben USP NF Grade Show/Hide Details
Methylparaben USP NF Grade
C8H8O3 152.15
Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, methyl ester.
Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate CAS 99-76-3.Methylparaben contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 102.0 percent of C8H8O3.
A: Infrared Absorption 197M.
B: Melting range: between 125C and 128C.
Color of solution: Dissolve 1 g in alcohol, dilute with alcohol to 10 mL, and mix (Methylparaben solution). This solution is clear and not more intensely colored than alcohol or a solution prepared immediately before use by mixing 2.4 mL of ferric chloride, 1.0 mL of cobaltous chloride, and 0.4 mL of cupric sulfate CS with 0.3 N hydrochloric acid to make 10 mL, and diluting 5 mL of this solution with 0.3 N hydrochloric acid to make 100 mL. Make the comparison by viewing the solutions downward in matched color-comparison tubes against a white surface.
Acidity: To 2 mL of Methylparaben solution prepared in the Color of solution test add 3 mL of alcohol, 5 mL of carbon dioxide-free water, and 0.1 mL of bromocresol green, and titrate with 0.10 N sodium hydroxide: not more than 0.1 mL is required to produce a blue color.
Residue on ignition: not more than 0.1%, determined on 1.0 g.
Specifications of FCC Food Grade Show/Hide Details
Methylparaben FCC Food Grade
Methyl p-Hydroxybenzoate
C8H8O3 Formula wt 152.15
INS: 218 --- CAS 99-76-3DESCRIPTION
Methylparaben occurs as small, colorless crystals or as a white, crystalline powder. One gram dissolves in about 400 mL of water at 25C, in about 50 mL of water at 80C, in about 2.5 mL of alcohol, in about 7 mL of ether, and in about 4 mL of propylene glycol. It is slightly soluble in glycerin and in fixed oils.
Function: Preservative; antimicrobial agent.REQUIREMENTS
Identification: Dissolve 500 mg of sample in 10 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide, boil for 30 min, allow the solution to evaporate to a volume of about 5 mL, and cool. Acidify the solution with 2 N sulfuric acid, collect the crystals on a filter, wash several times with small portions of water, and dry in a desiccator over silica gel. The p-hydroxybenzoic acid so obtained melts between 212C and 217C.
Assay: Not less than 99.0% and not more than 100.5% of C8H8O3, calculated on the dried basis.
Acidity: Passes test.
Lead: Not more than 2 mg/kg.
Loss on Drying: Not more than 0.5%.
Melting Range: Between 125C and 128C.
Residue on Ignition: Not more than 0.05%.
Specifications of BP Ph Eur Grade Show/Hide Details
Methyl Hydroxybenzoate BP Grade
Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate, Ph Eur
C8H8O3 --- 152.1 --- CAS 99-76-3
Action and use: Antimicrobial preservative.DEFINITION
Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate.
Content: 98.0 per cent to 102.0 per cent.CHARACTERS
Appearance: White or almost white, crystalline powder or colourless crystals.
Solubility: Very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and in methanol.IDENTIFICATION
First identification A, B.
Second identification A, C, D.
A. Melting point: 125C to 128C.
B. Infrared absorption spectrophotometry. Comparison methyl parahydroxybenzoate CRS.
C. Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for related substances.
Results: The principal spot in the chromatogram obtained with test solution (b) is similar in position and size to the principal spot in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (b).
D. To about 10 mg in a test-tube add 1 ml of sodium carbonate solution, boil for 30 s and cool (solution A). To a further 10 mg in a similar test-tube add 1 ml of sodium carbonate solution; the substance partly dissolves (solution B). Add at the same time to solution A and solution B 5 ml of aminopyrazolone solution and 1 ml of potassium ferricyanide solution and mix. Solution B is yellow to orange-brown. Solution A is orange to red, the colour being clearly more intense than any similar colour which may be obtained with solution B.TESTS
Solution S: Dissolve 1.0 g in alcohol and dilute to 10 ml with the same solvent.
Appearance of solution: Solution S is clear and not more intensely coloured than reference solution.
Acidity: To 2 ml of solution S add 3 ml of alcohol, 5 ml of carbon dioxide-free water and 0.1 ml of bromocresol green solution. Not more than 0.1 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the indicator to blue.
Related substances: To pass the test (0.5 per cent).
Sulphated ash: Maximum 0.1 per cent, determined on 1.0 g.
CAS Number 99-76-3, Methyl Paraben or Methylparaben or Methyl Hydroxybenzoate or Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate USP NF BP Ph Eur FCC Food Grade manufacturers suppliers exporters at:
manufacturer supplier exporter
Aadhunik Industries
Ankleshwar Gujarat & Mumbai, India
TEL: (OFFICE) 91-22-23774610, 23723564.e-mail:
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Acetic Acid Glacial ------- Ammonium Bicarbonate ------- Aluminum Chloride ------- Aluminium Potassium Sulphate ------- Ammonium Carbonate ------- Ammonium Carbamate ------- Ammonium Chloride ------- Ammonium Persulfate------- Barium Chloride ------- Benzyl Alcohol ------- Benzoic Acid ------- Boric Acid ------- Borax ------- Calcium Chloride ------- Calcium Oxide ------- Calcium Hydroxide ------- Calcium Lactobionate ------- Calcium D Saccharate ------- Calcium Sulfate ------- Carbamide Peroxide ------- Chromic Chloride -------Copper Cupric Chloride ------- Copper Sulphate ------- Precipitated Coated & Directly Compressible Calcium Carbonate ------- Fumaric Acid ------- Ferric Chloride ------- Lithium Carbonate ------- Magnesium Chloride ------- Magnesium Sulphate ------- Maleic Acid ------- Malic Acid ------- Manganese Chloride ------- Manganese Sulphate ------- Octyl Dodecanol ------- Oleic Acid ------- Phenyl Ethanol ------- Potassium Bromide ------- Potassium Chloride ------- Potassium Hydroxide Pellets ------- Potassium Monopersulfate ------- Potassium Phosphate Monobasic Dibasic Tribasic ------- Propylene Carbonate ------- Selenious Acid ------- Sodium Acetate ------- Sodium Diacetate ------- Sodium Hydroxide Pellets------- Sodium Thiosulfate ------- Sodium Formaldehyde Bisulfite ------- Sodium Perborate ------- Vanadyl Sulfate ------- Zinc Chloride